Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Primary Research- Interview- DR. ME

DR.ME is a creative duo based in Manchester, they answered my interview questions via e-mail. 


11th November 

Questions and Answers: 

What impact has the digital era had on publication today?

It’s made everything super immediate, we consume news in twenty-word sound bites, see aspirational lifestyles flash in front of our lives in square boxes and
select what we want to see on a day to day basis. This will probably change up again in the next ten years, people will want longer more informed articles and
will be more intent on shaping their own lives rather than relying on taste making sites.

What is your opinion on this?

 It’s interesting, I think although it may not appear to it encourages us to look harder, deeper, further for the things we love and want to hold dear.

Do you think new media has been a positive for publication? In terms of online
blogging and sharing.

To a certain extent yes, but it can be easy to overload so we need to be careful in the way we consume.

Do you think the Internet has enhanced creativity?

Yeah sure, it’s maybe not literally made creative people more creative, what it has done though is given more opportunities to more people get their creativity seen
and make a career from it.

As the world is becoming increasingly digital, do you think technology and new
media is becoming an addiction?

Oh shit yeah, it’s instant gratification, I heard recently that it’s based on a test that was done on chickens, one group of chickens were given a button, if they pressed the button
they would always get fed, another group of chickens also had a button but the feed would only occasionally come out when they hit the button, this made these chickens hit
the button constantly to get that gratification. Remind you of anything?

Do you think print is going to survive in this digital era?

Of course it will, we are tactile beasts, swiping our finger over glass will never feel the same as opening a newspaper or enjoying indented type on textured card. This being said
I’m a designer so obviously I’m going to say this, but, I think it’s true.

Do you think there is any need for a business cards anymore or flyers nowadays? 
Because of social media and the digital landscape we live in.

Definitely, even if someone instantly followed you on twitter when you told them your handle, it still doesn’t beat them having a piece of card with you name on.

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