Wednesday 14 October 2015

COP3 Plan


9,000 words:
500 intro
1800x4 chapters
900 conclusion

With the high impact of the Internet and new media, what is publication today?

What impact is the internet and new media having on publication today?

What effects has the digital era had on publication today?


The dissertation investigates the impact of the internet and new media on graphic design publication, focusing mainly on magazines and briefly on newspapers. It also attempts to project into the future demands of graphic design. A historical and contemporary approach will be taken, and reference will be made to the theories of….. and…….
Chapter one looks at
Chapter two addresses
Chapter three investigates
Chapter four explores


Looks historically at print and also at the changes which have occurred, due to the introduction of the Internet and new media.

• How publication has changed the way we communicate
• Publishing before the Internet (Gutenberg press)
• The inventions that have made it easier (camera ect.)
• When the internet stared
• How the Internet has changed our lives

Advantages and disadvantages of new media (how it is changing publication)


FOR THE INTERNET Advantages of Internet on publication.
• Large worldwide audience
• Large platform to share- publishing on social media
• Exciting new possibilities for new media and the internet
• Portable (iPads, kindles, phones)
• Quick information- news updates
• Interactive- more responsive web and app design
• The internet bring people together, meet new people, people seeing your designs
• Networking
• Not really a need for flyers/ business cards, because everyone interacts with social media publishing to such a large audience instantly and for free


FOR PRINT PUBLICATION Disadvantages of Internet on publication.
• Print is for every generation                                                                                                                                                                       
• Looks better
• Is permanent
• Collections
• People becoming obsessed with social media
• Stepping away from the screen, wasting time online
• Worth more
• Something has actually got to be good for it to be printed, things don’t have to be good to be published online, there just there
• Personal
• Better user experience- sensory


Slow movement advantages and disadvantages (might need it, but how practical is it, now the internet is in existence)

• The western worlds emphasis on speed and technology
• Road runner culture, nobody is willing to slow down people becoming more impatient
• Living the fast life instead of the good life
• People should unplug from their screens
• New media and the internet speeding our lives up
• Taking time out from a busy lifestyle to realise what is important
• The relationship between technology and time, time is money, you eighter use it or lose it
• Good slow- eating a meal with your family with the TV turned off
• China, Thailand, Brazil all embarrassed the slow movement


• Different experience
• Print will still be needed in the future
New media and the Internet are very powerful however there will always be a need for quality publications.


Detailed critical case study of one publication that responds innovatively to new media and methods of distribution. Eighter look at:
• Computer arts – pushing digital through constantly advertising it in their magazines
• Printed pages / It’s nice that


Interview – someone from computer arts, someone from made you look
Survey at a specific age range


Ted Talks

Made you look- A film about creativity in the digital age, how the digital age is changing creative for better or for worse

• Good interviews with creative such as Kate Moross, Anthony Burrill and Hattie Stewart revealing their opinions of the creative industry and the Internet
Made You Look is a documentary about the UK DIY graphic arts scene of the 21st century. Via candid interviews with top British creative, publishers and agency owners we explore the fact that more people than ever seem to be turning to analogue means of creating things, even though we are living at the height of the digital era.


Interrogating the effect of the Internet on publication (necessity of speed today, effects on speed today)

Triangulate- Comparing different points of view to interrogate a subject.

Each paragraph has an introduction and a conclusion
Implications of this on the graphic designer (different skillset, people learning new skills)

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