Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Brief 2: Way marking

Research proposal plan

Subject: Waymark

What is a waymark?

Waymarking is the posting of waymarks, which are signs placed along a route to help travelers follow the route. They may be intended for travelers on foot, on a bicycle, on a horse, in a vehicle or in any mode of transportation. The inuksuk was an early type of waymark. Milestones, common in Europe, are also a form of waymark.

What am I going to research?
Signs within travel, those serve a purpose for direction.

Why am I researching it?
I have an interest in travel and different types of signs that are simple yet effective within travel. I am going to research into ones that are multi lingual, the fonts within signs and the history.

What will I research?

-        types of travel
-        signs within different types of travel
-        the history of waymaking
-        the history of signs
-        who made the signs symbols
-        use of colour within signs

How am I going to research it?

-        taking photos on different types of journeys I take
-        internet
-        graphic design books
-        asking people what they think

Ideas for 100 pieces of research

20 Facts- facts about signs, how many there are in the UK, who made the first sign, how they decided fonts.

20 Opinions- ask people what they think the world would be like without signs, whats the easiest sign to understand while traeling, what signs are often confusing while traveling.

20 Words- to do with signs within travel.

20 Statistics- how many signs are in each country, how many are in a certain font.

20 photographs- photos of journeys I take within the Christmas break 

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