Sunday 8 December 2013

Edible Type Research

Anna Garforth

Anna Garforth is a multi-discilpinary designer workingand living in East London. Shecurrently works at The Plant, a branding and design agency iOld Street, but regularly takeson commissions

She makes type out of objects, she does it so neatly and precisely. She uses a mixture of typefaces for the edible type one, but they all work well together well. 

Svetlana Sebyakina

I was reading a book from the library called 'new illustration with type' when I noticed some edible type. It is simple and made out of fruit and veg. The actual type is most legible on the apple one, in the book there is an image of waffles spelling out 'good morning' which I think is cleaver. 

Christine Kawasaki-Chan

Here is a designer called Christine Kawasaki-Chan, different ways of portraying type within food. My favourite one is the pie, it is so neat and well done. The toast one is cleaver also, but I prefer the pie one because of the flowing type.  

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