Monday 16 December 2013

Breif 2: Crit on Research Proposal

We all placed our research proposals on the desks with which word we have to get feed back from the class and view other peoples opinions. 

Here are some comments on my research proposal of how, what and why i am going to research into way marking:

  • very interesting especially from a graphic design aspect
  • maybe look at the different cutures, past and present have used way marking 
  • could photograph landmarks you use as way marks
  • look how they changed? maybe in different countries? 
  • semiotics- how different cultures communicate through signs 
  • connotations with signs 
  • perhaps go on a journey on a bicycle and record the way marker through photography 
  • like the idea of documenting your own journeys through photography, shows your journey along with the waymarkings on route
  • like the concept quite interesting, you could make your own way marks or try to find our way to a destination without the use of signs 
  • city centres look into tourist signs 
This has been some useful feedback and I have thought of some more ideas for research from this, I partially like the city centre tourist idea, and looking into different cultures and not just sticking to the UK broadening to it worldwide. 

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