Tuesday, 10 February 2015

COP Essay- Primary Research Results

I got 24 responses for my questionnaire. Here are the statistics from the questionnaire, they are quite interesting and as I expected. 

Everyone out of the 24 people owned a smartphone of some kind.

The highest percentage of people having social media apps on there phone are 3-5, this probably being Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and maybe one or two others.

Nearly 70% of the people that I asked had a news app on their smart phone keeping them up to date on what is happening in the world. 

Only 4.17% (one person) actually get there news from a printed newspaper, the highest percentage of where people get there news from is the internet. I think this is because it is easily accesable, free and updated regularly compared to a newspaper where you have to pay for them and only get printed once a day and by the time they are printed and you have picked one you have already heard or been updated about the news through apps. 

Only 2 people out of the 23 have ever subscribed to a magazine digitally, I don't think this is very surprising as more people like to have there magazines as a hard copy something to keep and look back on, also some people have collections of magazines that would work better as hard copies. 

This statistic is how I was expecting for this question. 

From this questionnaire that I have carried out it has proved that more people are getting there news updates digitally and the news trade is turning more digital where as the magazine industry is still remaining just as popular printed. 

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