Wednesday 16 December 2015

COP Practical- Design Decisions


Within the publication I will be using blue as one of the main colours as it represents Instagram, however I would like to use other colours within the publication as I will be screen printing. All photographs off Instagram will be in full colour. Above I have been experimenting on adobe kuler with some colour combinations. Blue complements a variety of colours so it is difficult to choose. I will be using GF smith stock within the publication, and stock with different weights and textures. 


Parts of the publication will include letterpress to show another print technique that digital can’t do. This will be a new process that I will be trying out, I would like to use a variety of typefaces within the letterpress to show a variety. 

Within the digital part of the publication I will use Instagrams type they use within the app. Freight is used for headers and Helvetica Neue is used for body text. Both typefaces are clear and bold which will suit the publication. 

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