Monday 14 December 2015

COP Practical- Instagram accounts to focus on

I am going to include 6 Instagram accounts in the publication, they are all people I have contacted and spoke to while writing my dissertation. I interviewed Ben Freeman from Ditto Press and Maggie Li from OKIDO magazine in London. I interviewed Becky Palfrey from Colours May Vary in Leeds, I also interviewed DR.ME via email. Risotto studio is one of my favourite studios, they unfortunately didn't have the time to answer my questions via email so invited me to Glasgow in December but there wasn’t enough time to interview them, I will contact them again soon though. 

Ditto Press 

Ditto Press’ Instagram features a lot of videos and images of print. They expose themselves with various events and exhibitions. 

OKIDO Magazine 

OKIDO magazine is a children's magazine but still have a Instagram account for promotion for the adults. As the adults buy the magazine for the children the imagery has to appeal to both the adult audience and the children. The illustration style is friendly and unique. 

Colours May Vary 

Colours may vary is a independent bookstore in Leeds that sell’s unique books, their Instagram is quite useful as they can showcase all of the books they have to offer to a wide audience. 

Risotto Studio 

Risotto studio is a print studio based in Glasgow. I really like their use of colour, I would like to include their work in my publication as I like their use of illustration and how well layout their products are on Instagram. 

Maggie Li

Maggie Li is the Illustrator and Art director that I interviewed at OKIDO. I hadn’t seen any of her work until I searched for her on Instagram. She has published many of her own illustrated books along with working for OKIDO. 


DR.ME are a creative design studio in Manchester that I interviewed via email and got some interesting replies. There work is quite paper based, digital and hand crafted. 

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