Wednesday, 2 December 2015

COP Practical- Ideas

Idea 1 : Printnet

• Printed version of the Internet
• People putting their mark on the book like how they put their mark on the Internet
• Showing the value of Internet in print
• The publication will include quotes from my dissertation
• The book will be quite open for people to be creative, once the book is full gets sent back to me
• How the Internet has enhanced creativity
• An interactive book like an interactive app
• People expressing themselves without the Internet
• How things go viral
• Stepping back from technology
• Nostalgia
• Making it more personal
• Slow movement- people learning something

• Make it look as handmade as possible stepping away from digital experimenting with a variety of print techniques

Idea 2 : Interactive publication

• Interactive publication displaying how the user interacts with the app
• An interactive book like an interactive app
• The publication will fold out several times
• Showing off different types of creative print including screen print, letterpress, foiling
• Publication will be interactive by including stickers and getting the user to do something • Turning an app or creative website into print showing off the qualities of print

• Researching into the app, website into why they haven’t got a printed version and how they would benefit 

I have decided that I want to make an interactive publication, but the problem I am having at the moment is deciding what website/ app I should turn into a printed publication, why it need a printed version and who the audience would be. 

Three ideas:

1) Sharpie 

I researched into the Sharpie website as I wanted to look at something that has a hand drawn creative element to it. I looked into the site map and how that would work as a publication. If I did decide to use the Sharpie website it would essentially be a catalogue that could be interactive and show the user different sharpies etc. I think Sharpie would benefit from having a printed publication as it is all about hand drawn methods and creativity.

2) Instagram 

Instagram is one of the biggest social medias, it is a creative social media that is highly visual. Users browse pictures and users that interest them. I would create an interactive piece of print that showcases the best of Instagram, with it being such a massive social media there is so much uploaded daily so maybe I could look at Instagram statistics and create some infographics to run along side it.

3) Lazy Oaf 

Lazy Oaf is a fashion brand based in London, I have just used them as I have had an idea of creating an interactive fashion catalogue. The catalogue could include the textures of the clothes and illustrations to go alongside. They don’t currently have any printed material to go alongside their work and I think they would benefit from it to run alongside their website. 

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