Friday, 28 February 2014

Brief 2- Paper Craft

As our project is on origami I felt it would be relevant to look into paper craft artsit's to gain inspiration

Above is a selection of paper craft by Gail Armstrong, her paper craft has been used in many advertisements such as roundtress and macy's in London. Her work is bright and colourful it catches the audiences attention, the 3D element makes the posters seem more life like. 

Above is a piece done by Rob Ryan a very delicate paper artist, his work is so intricate and busy but thats what I like about it. 

Here is some more paper art I have found in a similar style, what I also like about these are the simplicity and cleanness of them, I like how a boring piece of white paper has been turned into a delicate piece of art. 

Here is paper cranes that were done for the 9/11 bombings, I love the way they are hung, I think by hanging them it makes them more of a piece of art. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Breif 2- Research- Viral Ad's

Define- Viral

  1. of the nature of, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses.

  2. (of an image, video, piece of information, etc.) circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.
    "a viral ad campaign"

Define- Viral Marketing 

a marketing technique whereby information about a company's goods or services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.

Here are just a few examples of adverts that have gone viral and attracted the public 

Evian advert- Evian live young

This was a very popular advert, which also came with an app that you could see what your baby would like in the future, people enjoyed doing this, and shared it with their friends to see what they would get. It was a funny advert also, and links with their slogan well, 'live young' a good connection by using babies. 

Pepsi Super bowl- Beyonce- Celebrity status 

This is the adverts for super bowl 2013, the super bowl is such a big thing mainly in the US but it went viral due to Beyonce and her celebrity status. 

Dance Pony Dance- Three Advert 

As well as the film, W+K has cooked up more ways for the campaign to be shared in the form of The Pony Mixer, an online app that also lives on Three's YouTube channel and allows users to create and share (via Twitter or Facebook) their own remixed videos of the pony performing to different types of music. Choose from Rock, Punk, Bollywood and more for extra, ridiculous, levels of shareable silliness.

This is my favourite advert that went viral, its so random but it works well as it grabs the audiences attention, however I don't feel like it advertises the company that well, people just know it as the horse advert, and not three mobile. 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Breif 2- Become and expert in... Ideas

Origami Expert 

To cure bordem/ try something new

Target audience

Exibition of oragaimi of peoples entrys 
Run a competion 
Oragami packs
Contact paper profestionals 
Set up a blog 

Tie dyeing expert

Cheap way to make jazzy items

Target Audience

Make money for chairity 
Make different items of clothing
Raise awareness of something
DIY Fashion 

Money making/ Saving Expert 

To manage your money better

Target Audience 

Target Goals 

Cocktail making expert 

To make great tasting drinks 

Target Audience 

Cocktail making classes 
Leaflets How to... 
Best ingredients/ Alcohol 

Healthy Living Expert 

To make people aware of healthy living and question their own lifestyle 

Target Audience

Leaflets/ Zeens/ Posters 

Cartooning/Doodling Expert 

To learn something new/ create art

Target Audience 

Doodle exhibition 
How to cartoon packs 
Contact illustrators 

Typography Expert 

To make people more aware of type 

Target Audience

Look at peoples handwriting 
Contact professionals 

Pizza Making Expert 

A cheap/heathy alternative to a take away 

Target audience 

Pizza tasting sessions 
Recipe books 
Handy packs 
Leaflets/ Zeens 

Smoothie Making Expert 

Healthy living 

Target Audience 

Healthy breakfast/snacks
A way to use your fruit that is going off 
Recipe books 
Smoothie Tasting 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Postmodernism & Postmodernity Lecture

Modernism was from 1860-1960
and Postmodernism from 1960's-today 

Modernism- follows function 
Postmodernism- there is no rules 

Simplified aesthetic 

Complexity and Chaos 
Questioning old limitations 
Women, sexual diversity and multicultural 

An example of postmodernism is An Oak Tree by Michael Craig Martin

'I considered that in An Oak Tree I had deconstructed the work of art in such a way as to reveal its single basic and essential element, belief that is the confident faith of the artist in his capacity to speak and the willing faith of the viewer in accepting what he has to say. In other words belief underlies our whole experience of art: it accounts for why some people are artists and others are not, why some people dismiss works of art others highly praise, and why something we know to be great does not always move us.'
Quote from Michael Craig Martin

This piece of art questions what art and objects are. Personally I don't like it, but it does bring a new perspective to art, and most importantly make the audience have an opinion and think. 

Another example of Postmodernism is Renzo piano and Richard Rogers- Pompidou centre

A building that was made with the escalator on the outside of the building, pushing the boundaries creating something different. 

Tracey Emin- My Bed 

Tracey Emin- everyone I have ever slept with 

Emin’s work has an immediacy and often sexually provocative attitude that firmly locates her oeuvre within the tradition of feminist discourse. By re-appropriating conventional handicraft techniques – or ‘women’s work’ – for radical intentions, Emin’s work resonates with the feminist tenets of the ‘personal as political’. In Everyone I’ve Ever Slept With, Emin used the process of appliqué to inscribe the names of lovers, friends and family within a small tent, into which the viewer had to crawl inside, becoming both voyeur and confidante.

Barbra Kruger 

Barbra Kruger shows postmodernism through her graphic design, making bold statements with red background the use of black and white type and black and white images. They are very high impact and Selfridges used them in there stores for a period of time. 

Friday, 7 February 2014

Brief 1 Secret 7- Crit Feedback

Here is some feedback that i got back from the crit today:

  • I like the experiments with paint really eye catching reminds me of Alt-J, very eye catching
  • love experiment with the paint, was't sure what it was at first, very visually interesting, play around with colour contrast on photoshop also like the TV drawing
  • I think that the only design that reflects the song to any sort  of extent is the silhouettes. Even then I think it's too plain to reflect your research, so maybe try combining it with some of your paint experiment
  • The idea of the TV is cool. Experiement with high impact contrasting colours with the sketchy drawing style
  • Paint experiments are nice, try combining this media with a concept, either one of your existing ones or a new one
  • Siloutte works great with the bubble printing texture showing through
  • TV screen is nice, match that with the experiements you have been doing with paint
  • The TV and the paint experimentations are the strongest, try more versions of paint experiments, there are so many interesing blends/mixes that can be created
  • I love the paint image! I also think it could fit in well with 'lorde'. I also think the city skyline idea could work well, but try out some other patterns and colours
  • I like the TV colours are really nice. I think the mixed oaint looks really good but maybe too many colours, could combine the designs used pink and blue for mixed paint 
  • I think all these concepts are really strong and interesting! They all show a bright/ fun side
  • Maybe think about the song name more? It has some pretty strong visual ideas 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Modernism Lecture

Modernism: modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.

Modernation allowed modernism to develop and flourish 

How the (western) world became 'modern' 

World governed by
  • the church
  • monarchy/ aristocracy
  • patriarchy

Industrial revolution

The Thomas telford Ironbridge was a huge revolution, people were intreeged by what can be done with modern tecnology. There was a huge development within factories. 

Georges-Pierre Seurat
He showed modernism through out his paintings 

In this image he is referencing to modernism with the factories in the background, factories were getting bigger and taking over the country side. 

This is Surrats most famous painting, also hinting at modernism with the dived of upper and lower class people, in this painting the park is full of upperclass people, dressed to be seen. 

Pablo Picasso 

He also showed modernism with the use of Cubism within his paintings. He was considered a modernist as he didn't follow the usual painting style within the nineeth centry, he started a new trend which we not know as cubism. 

The famous weeping woman by Pablo Picasso 

 Marchel Duchamp- Fountain 

Again Duchamp was considered a big part of the modernist movement through the ridiculous art that he portrayed, his movement was called dada, it is considered to be a response to war.  

Brief 1- Secret 7- Inspiration

I have found a particular interest in the lyric's 

'We live in cities you'll never see on screen' 

'And everyone’s competing for a love they won't receive'

Immediately when I read the lyric 'We live in cities you'll never see on screen' I thought of the film 500 days of summer, a film where a guy aspires to be an architect and in one scene he draws on his friends arm how he would like the scene in front of him to look. I really like the illustration when it was done, I think this would look good as an album artwork, a simple illustrated drawing of a city. 

This is a Blink 182 album art work from the album 'neighbourhoods' this works well with the name of the album, and I love the way the artist name is incorporated in the buildings, there is no use of colour but I don't think it needs it. 

This is a paper cutting by Rob Ryan I think this is pretty inspirational for this brief and song as she mentions cities a lot in her song lyrics. 

An iconic album artwork from the XX, it is simple yet effective and I love the colours used within the X. 

An Alt-J album artwork that I admire, made of oil, I just love the use of colour and the simplicity. 

Here is another piece of artwork by Kate Moross, again I love the use of colour and texture and the divide, it works well. 

Looking at all of these patterns I got pretty inspired by my lava lamp

Brief 1- Secret 7- Kate Moross

One of my favourite graphic designers Kate Morros does a lot of album artwork and videos for artists, she has a definite pop theme throughout her work.

An image of her at a ted talk

One of Moross' biggest passions is music and more recently she has set up another business called 'studio morross' this is where she and a few others work on mainly music projects, creating album artwork and directing music videos. Here is a link to the website to check the videos out 

Kate Morross designs all Jessie Wares album artwork and directs her videos, the videos tend to have different themes, but the alum artwork seems to have more constancy. 

A very recent album artwork cover for Sam Smith, featuring an image of Sam Smith and some very simple type. 

Also Kate Moross has done alot of work for diclosure, I reccomend watching the video 

Disclosure - F For You ft. Mary J. Blige, I like the use of line movement as I think it suits the song. 

This is one of my favourite album artwork at the moment, I love the clean simplicity of it and the use of materials how its not just a digital illustration. 

I like this disclosure cover as it reflects the video and I like the minimal use of colour and the gradient works surprising well. 

Another disclosure album artwork keeping with the illustrative theme using the same faces from the videos so the audience immediately knows what band it is.