Wednesday 5 February 2014

Brief 1- Secret 7- Inspiration

I have found a particular interest in the lyric's 

'We live in cities you'll never see on screen' 

'And everyone’s competing for a love they won't receive'

Immediately when I read the lyric 'We live in cities you'll never see on screen' I thought of the film 500 days of summer, a film where a guy aspires to be an architect and in one scene he draws on his friends arm how he would like the scene in front of him to look. I really like the illustration when it was done, I think this would look good as an album artwork, a simple illustrated drawing of a city. 

This is a Blink 182 album art work from the album 'neighbourhoods' this works well with the name of the album, and I love the way the artist name is incorporated in the buildings, there is no use of colour but I don't think it needs it. 

This is a paper cutting by Rob Ryan I think this is pretty inspirational for this brief and song as she mentions cities a lot in her song lyrics. 

An iconic album artwork from the XX, it is simple yet effective and I love the colours used within the X. 

An Alt-J album artwork that I admire, made of oil, I just love the use of colour and the simplicity. 

Here is another piece of artwork by Kate Moross, again I love the use of colour and texture and the divide, it works well. 

Looking at all of these patterns I got pretty inspired by my lava lamp

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