Wednesday 5 February 2014

Modernism Lecture

Modernism: modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.

Modernation allowed modernism to develop and flourish 

How the (western) world became 'modern' 

World governed by
  • the church
  • monarchy/ aristocracy
  • patriarchy

Industrial revolution

The Thomas telford Ironbridge was a huge revolution, people were intreeged by what can be done with modern tecnology. There was a huge development within factories. 

Georges-Pierre Seurat
He showed modernism through out his paintings 

In this image he is referencing to modernism with the factories in the background, factories were getting bigger and taking over the country side. 

This is Surrats most famous painting, also hinting at modernism with the dived of upper and lower class people, in this painting the park is full of upperclass people, dressed to be seen. 

Pablo Picasso 

He also showed modernism with the use of Cubism within his paintings. He was considered a modernist as he didn't follow the usual painting style within the nineeth centry, he started a new trend which we not know as cubism. 

The famous weeping woman by Pablo Picasso 

 Marchel Duchamp- Fountain 

Again Duchamp was considered a big part of the modernist movement through the ridiculous art that he portrayed, his movement was called dada, it is considered to be a response to war.  

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