An image of her at a ted talk
One of Moross' biggest passions is music and more recently she has set up another business called 'studio morross' this is where she and a few others work on mainly music projects, creating album artwork and directing music videos. Here is a link to the website to check the videos out
Kate Morross designs all Jessie Wares album artwork and directs her videos, the videos tend to have different themes, but the alum artwork seems to have more constancy.
A very recent album artwork cover for Sam Smith, featuring an image of Sam Smith and some very simple type.
Also Kate Moross has done alot of work for diclosure, I reccomend watching the video
This is one of my favourite album artwork at the moment, I love the clean simplicity of it and the use of materials how its not just a digital illustration.
I like this disclosure cover as it reflects the video and I like the minimal use of colour and the gradient works surprising well.
Another disclosure album artwork keeping with the illustrative theme using the same faces from the videos so the audience immediately knows what band it is.
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