Tuesday 22 April 2014

Speaking from Experience- Crit and Plan

The crit went a lot better than I thought, I got some opinions and some useful feedback, I asked for peoples opinions on the first designs of the front cover, which is: 

I asked people whether they felt the colours were too girly, I then got the feedback that the whole organiser seemed to be something aimed at girls and people couldn't see boys using an organiser and sticking stickers on it. I feel this is a valid point, however I wanted the organiser to be aimed at both genders, so i may still change the colours on the front cover, but still keep it fun. 

Another question I had for the crit is what design websites people use for inspiration here are a few of the answers: 
design taxi 
design milk
front shop
type & eye

I need a few more to add to my calander, but this is a good start. 

Plan for the next week is:

Test Print, test whether the pages actually match up and see how large the final produced outcome would be.
Make sleeve, work out how to design it. 

Finish and finalise designs, of stickers and pages. 

Do another test print to make sure it all looks okay.
Digital print- 4pm

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