Tuesday 21 April 2015

COP In praise of slowness

From the crit Richard recommended to looking into Carl Honore and 'In praise of slow'. I watched the ted talk and found it very interesting as Honore has some very valid points about technology and the developing word how we thrive for speed when sometimes we just need to take a step back and slow down. Here are some main quotes/points I took from the talk.

• a world obsessed with speed, every moment of the day feels like a race against the clock 

• we used to dial, now we speed dial
we used to read, now we speed read 
we used to walk, now we speed walk
we used to date, now we speed date

• marinated in the life of speed

• living the fast life instead of the good life

• roadrunner culture

• how did we get so fast?

• is it possible to slow down?

• some places giving their workers longer breaks, for them to get ab=way from their screens

• schools and homework, one school not giving out homework until their students are 13, the schools getting better results as they are giving the kids mind a break instead of bomb barding them 

• put on the breaks

• slow down

• sometimes less is more

• speed can be fun though

• not easy to slow down

• good slow: taking the time to eat a meal with your family with the TV switched off

• we need to make sure there isn't too much speed in the system in the developing world

I would defiantly like to read the book in the summer as I found the points raised relevant and interesting. 

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