Friday 17 April 2015

COP Practical ideas- Issues raised in essay

After re reading my essay I have realised that my essay raises quite a few issues. I have decided to make note of these issues and then think about what I could do for my practical. 

Issues raised

• the world is becoming more digital 
• young people are becoming more obsessed with social media
• there is going to be no need for newspaper's in the future

Some parts of my essay that I have picked out

• magazine industry has niches to attract certain audiences

• magazines have to project a positive lifestyle

• magazines depict the 'perfect' mens and women world

• technology innovations in terms of media devices, software, apps and the internet have resulted in new ways of experiencing new media

• developments in new media and the evolution of social media networks have radically altered how we now understand the media

• news trade is developing and becoming more digital 

• the mature generations do still tend to buy a newspaper or get them delivered however the younger generation prefer to get their news from digital sources

•when you have something printed it has a different satisfaction to something digital something to keep and be proud of but with digital design it is updated and gone with a touch of a button

• within the magazine industry there will be many fresh new titles to come some of them replacing or refreshing older ones

• the internet may show us a glittering future in some ways but magazines will still be reaching those niche audiences

• magazines aren't adapting to the digital world as quickly as newspapers or books

• consumers are still drawn in my the wiglets, freebees and offers on the front of the glossy printed magazines with may imaginative promotional advertising to draw the consumer in

• the incredible ranges of technological opportunities that can be used to add and interact with print publishing are defiantly a bonus

• the fact is people love magazines and much prefer to have a printed copy to keep and flick through

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