Thursday 14 May 2015

COP Practical- Making publication look like Behance

My Behance

Behance has a very simple layout and focus' on image. For each project you upload you can choose a cover image which is normally your final product image to get people to click on your project and gain more views. People can then appreciate your project or add it to a collection. I think Behance is a very useful tool in the graphic design industry especially when sending it off to professionals to view your work. 

Discover page

Above is a screen shot of the 'discover' page for Behance, this is a bit like a magazines 'featured' page to show off the best work within Behance at the moment. On this page there is always a variety of different work from students to professionals and it is normally work that I wouldn't normally search for/ look at. 

Activity page

Above is a screenshot of the 'activity' page this is where you can see what all of the people you follow have been appreciating and publishing. 

Discover page in Publication 

Here is the page in my publication that will be after the introduction. I have tried to make this page much like the 'discover' page on Behance using small thumbnails and red tabs with numbers on to direct you to the correct page in the publication. I have used a nail varnish pattern that I created myself on the left hand page for decoration and to tie in the colours within the publication. 

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