The final publication ‘Printgram’ is a printed version of Instagram portraying how a digital app can be of more value as a printed publication. The front cover is letter pressed a printing technique that is over 350 years old, using various types
demonstrates letterpresses ability to be decretive without the need of digital implications. Originally planned the front
cover was blue stock with white ink, however the white type didn’t appear to be clear on the deep blue stock, after switching the stock colour and ink around the type appeared clearer and still complemented the pink side bar.
The beginning of the publication includes many textures to prove that print has more textural, physical qualities compared to digital. Foiling was a new process that was experimented with and worked better than expected. Associate adds a new layer to the publication next to the marbled paper, which then brings you to the contents and introduction of the publication.
The first studio that is featured within the publication is Ditto Press as I interviewed the co-founder Ben Freeman in
November about his thoughts on publication in the digital era. The page includes a collection of photos from the past
year off their Instagram, to make the publication interactive with the user there is a pull out page titled ‘discover’ like Instagram, the discover page leads to Hattie Stewart a London based illustrator. The Hattie Stewart page is screen printed with
blended inks to give the publication extra colour.
DR.ME is a Manchester based creative duo that replied to my interview questions about print via e-mail. This double page spread features some of their best work off their Instagram, print designs on social media then back into print. Their designs
work really well together. On this double page spread there is an ‘explore’ concertina pull out which is screen printed. The
pull out consists of two more Instagram accounts that could be explored if the consumer likes DR.ME’s work.
Risotto Studio is a print based studio based in Glasgow, with bright colours and good use of pattern. This double page
spread features a map that is an Instagram feature that tells you where all the photos were taken in the world.
Colours may vary is an independent bookshop based in Leeds selling a variety of publication. Featured in the publication
is a range of publications that they sell in store. The interactive aspect of this page is ‘edit’ which came from the ‘edit your
profile’ feature on Instagram. The edit element includes pull out emoji stickers and hearts that can be used throughout the
publication to ‘like’ or just for fun.
OKIDO is a children's magazine based in London. The magazine was made as the founder, Sophie Dauvois found there wasn't enough quality publication on the market for children. The page features Instagram images of OKIDO and as the
interactive element a pull out letter pressed ‘discover’ with a screen printed inside of Anorak Magazine another well know
illustrative magazine that the user can discover if they enjoy OKIDO.
Maggie Li is an illustrator for OKIDO magazine, she also freelances with her own screen prints. I interviewed her in London
for my dissertation and she gave some valuable answers to my questions and had some strong opinions on the digital era.
The ‘explore’ interactive aspect concertina folds out and reveals Wrap Magazine and Lynnie Zulu another fun illustrator and
illustrative magazine. The images featured on the fold outs are images off their Instagram accounts turned into negatives
and screen printed.
The back page of the publication thanks all the people I interviewed within the publication. On the spine at the back there is a QR code with a link to follow Printgram on Instagram the QR code would open the Instagram app and take the user to
the page, adding that extra interactive element that links print and digital together to complement each other.
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