To help people learn i need to consider the different ways in which people learn, there are three main learning types:
• Uses visual objects such as graphs, charts, pictures, and seeing information
• Can read body language well and has a good perception of aesthetics
• Able to memorize and recall various information
• Tends to remember things that are written down
• Learns better in lectures by watching them
• Retains information through hearing and speaking
• Often prefers to be told how to do things and then summarises the main points out loud to help with memorisation
• Notices different aspects of speaking
• Often has talents in music and may concentrate better with soft music playing in the background
• Likes to use the hands-on approach to learn new material
• Is generally good in math and science
• Would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than verbally explain it
• Usually prefers group work more than others
Obviously I am going to find it hard to help the auditory learners to learn using a booklet that turns into a poster so I am just going to focus on Visual and Kinaesthetic learners.
Above is a plan of my poster/ leaflet, I am going to do it on A3 so when I fold it down it will become an A5 booklet and a A3 poster. The booklet will have a front cover and on the back I am planning on putting some useful/ interesting facts and on the front just a title and maybe a picture. Inside will include the main things you need to know for your theory and some of the main questions you com across. For the poster I am going to focus on the Kinaesthetic learner, I will put the outline and shape of the signs and a description of the sign and they have to draw in the sign, by doing something will help them learn.
For the colours in the poster I think I will go for primary colours and the colours used in signs, this is to stick with the theme. Also I think I will only use black and white photography to keep your eye on the information rather than the photo, but to be decretive at the same time.
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