Wednesday 15 January 2014

Brief 3&4: Page Layout Research

Here are a few magazine layouts I have seen that I think are inspiring by there clean and fresh design, I have found all of these designs off tumblr. 

They all have the main focus on image which I like, I feel as if the images that I have taken for this brief are pretty strong so I think image will be  a big part of both briefs. Also what I was looking at was the colours used. I don't think too many colours need to be used. My favourite design of these is the top one, I like how the pages have been left white so the eye focused more on the image and the bold use of typography. The flamingo magazine has a very retro feel, and the penguin page layout is interesting, I like how the image is spread across both pages and the yellow is used to contrast with the penguins. The magazine layout below that looks like a tumblr blog which i quite like, again using more image than type. 

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