Monday 13 January 2014

Brief 4: Own brief

The problem I have come across is that people who cant drive don't know road signs very well, which I feel is important to know even if you cant drive. To solve this problem I am going to make a leaflet that can be opened out to a poster that can be stuck on your wall to help revise/ learn something new.

The leaflet will be aimed at people learning to drive, including facts about the highway code as I feel it is boring and tedious.

This will help people with their theory test and help them with their general knowledge about the roads and signs.

I will tell them information using the high way code and useful facts I have found out while doing this brief.

I am going to inform and educate the audience.

Something to do in the car,  Interactive because something to do while being a passenger, also will fold out to be a poster and to use while revising.  I could give to someone who doesn't know road signs or cant drive to see if it will work.

It will have a serious tone of voice that is informative, but I will try and keep the design not too boring. 

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