Monday 13 January 2014

Breif 4: Time management

To get all what I want to do in the week I have to plan my time effectively this is what I will be doing throughout the week:

  • Monday- book print room, work out indesign plan, write own brief
  • Tuesday- decide what to go on each page, and what I want the poster to include
  • Wednesday- begin designing 
  • Thursday- design, print rough draft and make presentation
  • Friday- crit
If I work with this plan I should be able to get everything I need to get done ready for the crit. 

Here are some questions that I need to ask myself 

Is it appropriate? 
Is it achievable? 
What is the purpose?
Who is the target audience?
What is the outcome? 

I need to bare the questions in mind while writing my brief, and doing the brief. 

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