Wednesday 8 January 2014

InDesign Workshop

I have learnt some basics for InDesign today, but useful basics that will help me complete my next brief. 

  • all pictures that are inserted into photoshop need to be in CMYK format for printing 
  • Cmd+R= rules
  • hold and drag the ruler to create guidelines
  • to lock the guidelines, view- grids+guides= lock guides
  • margins and columns are another useful feature to help organise your pages
  • press 'W' to see what the page is going to look like when printed 
  • use tif files for indesign
  • when you start any indesign project CREATE A NEW FOLDER as all pictures need to be linked up to be printed at the correct quality 
  • never upscale images on indesign
  • use the frame tool for shapes
  • to get some fake text to see what the body copy will look like go type- fill with place holder text 
  • to wrap the text round an object- window- text wrap

As I am new to this programme been really useful session and I've learnt some simple but very useful things.

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