Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.
We are all brought up and told certain things are signs
without any training, we grasp what signs are and what functions they serve.
Signifying orders allow people to encode and store knowledge. We are
all brought up with sounds, presiding random noises for example
'r-a-b-b-i-t' we know as a 'long eared, short tailed, burrowing
mammal, with soft fur' but for some reason we all know it as a
'rabbit' because we are told.
Media has a big part to play within semiotics; it was
the French semiotics Ronald Barthes (1915-80) who drew attention in the 1950's
the value of studying media and culture with the tools of semantics.
Semiotics is the discipline aiming to study in sign based behavior. The
mass media create and recycle signs for there own ends. For example, super man.
What and who does super man represent? We all know him as a hero, which comes
from another planet that has these powers that humans cannot portray. The mass
media has produced him as some sort of God like character. Superman came to
Earth from galaxy, making him lead a double life. He wears a distinctive
costume, we all know as being the ‘superman’ code, with his tights and red cape
it makes him recognizable to the audience a symbol. As long as he is
indestructible, wears the same suit, has the ability to fly etc. he will be
instantly be recognizable as super man, no matter which particular artist draws
him or who plays him in a movie. Connotation is powerful because it evokes
feelings and perceptions about things.
There are
various types of signs that resemble different things in different ways. Portraits
of people are different signs/visual icons showing the faces of people from the
perspective of an artist as they all have different views. Onomatic words are
vocal signs such as ‘drip’ ‘plop’ ‘bang’ they are there to try and replicate
the sounds of certain things. Chemical foods that use additives, trying to
replicate the taste of natural foods. A symbol is a sign that stands for
something in an arbitey way. Words are symbolic signs in general, as are hand
gestures; they have a symbolic meaning that we are all taught to know. The ‘V’
sign made with the two fingers one way is offence and the other symbolizes
peace. Colours are another good example of signs, when we see them they all
evoke different meanings, for example:
purity, innocence, clean
Black- evil,
guilt, impurity
Red- blood,
passion, love
Blue- hope,
sky paradise
Going back to
the superman example he wears red and blue, which both suggest different things
his red cape shows ‘noble blood’ and his blue sybolises ‘hope’ he brings to
humanity. Also red and blue are the combination used in America an indication
of American patriotism.
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