Tuesday 15 October 2013

Brief 3: Typeface, Research

We have been asked to design a typeface with six extra glyphs of our choice. We have been paired up and we will base our typeface on their personality/character. To start this I needed to find out what sort of person they are, so I asked a few questions:


When are you happiest? 
Listening to music/ finding new music

Whats your  fear? 
Not living life to the full

Wheres your favorite place in the world? 
Berlin because of the architecture

Whats your earliest memory?
Sledging in a cardboard box with dad 

Whats your most embarising moment?
Drunken regrets

What makes you unhappy?
Seeing family upset

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Jim Carey

Whats your dream job? 
Graphic Designer- Designing record sleeves

Sweets or Chocolate?

Whats your favourite smell?
Shoe pollish

Whats your favorite word?

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
Someone out of pulp ficiton 

Whats your guilty pleasure?
Made in Chelsea

How do you relax?
Listening to music, mixtapes

If you could edit your past what would you change?
Being 16 and playing too many video games

Favorite film? 
Hot Rod

Whats your favorite food? 

What is your favorite band? 
Little dragon

What is your favorite drink? 

Whats the name of a graphic designer that inspires you?
Josef Mueller Brockmann and I really love Scandinavian Design 

Serif or sans-serif?

Anything else?
Favorite colour is blue
Hates chart music
Enjoys festivals
Don't take myself too seriously 
Deep thinker
Laid back 
Hate David Cameron 

From this information that i have gathered about my chosen person I am now going to go on and choose a font in which i think represnets him as a person, the main points i have got from this are:
Laid back
Berlins architecture

I think I'm going to choose something quite structured font as i feel this would represent him quite well, as looking at his design influences and music choices they both have very structured design. I need to look into the Adobe Font Folio in more depth. 

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