Wednesday 16 October 2013

Visual Literacy- The Language of Design

Visual literacy is the process of sending and receiving messages using type and images, producing images that effectively communicate a mesage to an audience. It is the ability to 

  • interpret
  • negotiate
  • making meaning 
Of the images, it is based on the idea that pictures can be read for example the image on the right is an universal image that can be recognised all around the world, the classic sign for the toilet. In both signs everyone could clearly recognise the fact that it was a toilet sign.  

On the forign one it is easier to reconise which is male and female as it uses colour this makes it more multilingual. Colour is another major factor of visual literacy. 

Some signs and symbols can mean different things in different situations for example the cross it can be manipulated in different ways, it can mean many things:

  • Christianity
  • St Gorges flag 
  • First aid
  • Maths
  • And
  • Swedish Flag 

Visual Synax and Visual Semantics

Syntax is the pictorial structure and visual organisation, it represents the basic building blocks of an image.

Elements of images: framing, format, scale, colour, font, stroke, weight, shape, composition, layout, motion, light, rhythm, space, depth, texture, text, words, tone, shade, line, mark, direction, editing, manipulation, simplification, emphasis layering, hierarchy

Semantics refers to the way an image fits into a cultural process. It includes the relationship between form and meaning elements include:

  • cultural reference
  • social idea
  • religion
Semiontics vistual elements: 
  • Symbol
  • Sign
  • Signifier
  • Metaphor
  • Metonym
  • Synecdoche
Everything stands for something else. 

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