Wednesday 9 October 2013

Introductory Briefing Overview of Lecture Programme

Within this lecture Richard and James covered a lot of subject areas to suit all courses, but all of it is relevant and useful. It was an interesting opening lecture, I look forward to the rest of them in the academic year. The idea of these lectures is to open your eyes to things you wouldn't necessarily look at. 

Here are the notes I took in the lecture, covering all subjects including, documentary photography, animation, advertising, illustration and graphic design. As expected I found the graphic design section most interesting, although I did enjoy looking at the others.

Graphic design 

We looked into typography of Stanley Morrision, the inventor of Times New Roman (1932) based in London. 

A classic font that is used day in day out even now. I was really surprised at how old the type is. Stanley was commissioned by the times newspaper to make a new easy to read typeface for the publication, the font was first used by the newspaper in 1932 and was issued commercially by Monotype in 1933.

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