Thursday 17 October 2013

Brief 2: First Illustrator Tutorial

Today I had my first illustrator workshop, I found this extremely helpful! As at sixth form I didn't get taught any software, and I have taught myself photoshop through YouTube. We did a few exercises using the pen tool, this was interesting to see how much you can do with one tool, apparently it is one of the main tools. I am going to try and download illustrator for my own mac, as I feel it will be extremely useful and I want to practice on it. I feel that this will be a skill that I will slowly pick up gradually I just need to keep at it. 
I also learnt some tips including:
Cmd+O= to veiw the document full sized
Alt on pen tool to change line for curves 
Shift key= pen tool 45 angle
Shift+ Alt= perfect shapes 

Above is a useful image of some keyboard shortcuts on illustrator, I think i may find this useful in the future. 

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