Monday 7 October 2013

Brief 1: Briefing

Today we got briefed on our next two week project on visual thinking. The brief is to produce a set of ten letterforms, which explore and communicated you interpretation of the word selected form a randomiser. 

The word I chose out of the hat was 'existence' we got it on a piece of paper along with the definition, and my font was Helvetica which I was very happy with as I feel I can do a lot with this. The first thing that I did was research future into the word existence. Also as a group task to help us all out we passed our word round the table and wrote on the back what you thought of the word, i got:

  • space
  • nihilism- the meaningful aspects of life
  • life
  • visual
  • evolution
  • dinosaur
  • spiritual 
  • solipsism- your mind being the only one that exists

I found these were good starting points to start researching into.

Here I made a mind map of the font and the word, I found this extremely useful as I was digging deeper into the meaning of both the word and font. 

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