Tuesday 22 October 2013

Brief 4: Message Delivery- Newspapers

Yesterday, we got briefed on studio brief 4 all about message delivery. We need to create a body of research in response to a story that we need to find in tomorrows news paper. 

Yesterday we looked into types of newspaper and how they differ.

Types of newpaper

  • Broadsheet 
  • Tabloid 
  • Regional 
  • Local
  • Specific papers
  • Free sheets
  • Washington Post 
  • New York Times
  • Times
  • Telegraph 
  • Financial Times
  • Gaudian 
  • Indipentant 
  • Metro 
  • The People
  • Mirror 
  • Daily Mail 
  • Yorkshire Post 
  • Daily Express 
Reginal Post 
  • Yorkshire post
  • Lancashire telegraph
  • Express and Star
  • Express and Echo
  • Evening mail
  • Telford Jornal 
  • Echo 
News Sites
  • This Morning
  • Bing
  • ITV Online
  • Google News
  • BBC News
  • Sky News 
  • Yahoo! 
  • Red It 
  • Gaudian 
  • Observer
  • Indipendent 
  • CNN
  • Fox
  • 6 and 10 o'clock news
  • Daybreak
  • This Morning 
  • 8 to 10 cats 
  • Moc of the Week
  • Have I got News for You
  • Question Time
  • One Show
There are many different ways in the media of how to portray different news stories. Also social networking is now a massive part of news stories now, especially with twitter with the introduction of the hashtag and trending topics. Radio also has a lot of news on it, which is portrayed in a formal way. 

Today I brought two papers, The Sun which is a tabloid and a Guardian which is a broadsheet. Immediately you can notice some main differences, one being the size, board sheets are usually twice the size as a tabloid, which makes them really awkward to read. Also the amount of body text on the broadsheets is a lot more, they go into a lot more detail with longer articles. I have also noticed that the language in a broadsheet is a lot more formal, the broadsheet is usually read by the more educated and by people in authority. Tabloids also cover a lot more of the gossip stories and contain a lot more gossip stories.  

Above I took this image to prove how different the two different newspapers are as you can see the one above (tabloid) has a lot more adverts and celeb stories, whereas the broadsheet goes into a lot more finical and education issues. Now I need to read the newspapers and choose stories that I'm interested in to research further into the topic. 

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